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Solar and renewable energy ideas and projects that look promising (or at least interesting).
One of the appealing aspects of the solar thermal area is that "garage inventors" can make meaningful advances. Some of the factors that make it possible to keep coming up with new ideas and innovations in this centuries old field are:
If you have a concept that you think should be here -- please send it in!
Directory for this page: Note: New section on measurement techniques for solar thermal experimenters.
Solar Inventor Resources | |
New Inventions in Low-Cost Solar Heating William Shurcliff |
My all time favorite solar book. Published in 1979, but still has many
interesting concepts that are well described. Out of print, but
available at BookFinder, Amazon used books, etc.
The picture here is one of a hundred concepts in the book, each interesting and well explained. |
David Delaney's Site
This is David Delaney's site. He usually has some new and interesting ideas cooking. |
Phase Change Materials Homepage And, from the EERE site: PCM supplier |
The latest on the application of phase change materials for heat storage. |
Potential DIY Phase Change Material
for Heat Storage
Nick Pine posted this note describing a phase change material for heat storage that was developed by George Lane some years ago. It appears to have some potential for use as a low cost, home made heat storage material in solar heating systems. |
Electric Bicycle Experiments
A large collection of experimental electric bikes and trikes. Some with fairly detailed descriptions. |
Backyard Inventor Projects -- modest to moderate size projects that any of us could think about working on | |
Trickle Down Collector (MTD) Richard Heiliger's detailed description of the MTD he built ...
is a new version of the Thomason Trickle Down Collector. It uses less expensive materials, is easier to build, and may be more efficient.
Richard Heiliger provides a very detailed description of the MTD he
built, and also on some of the testing that John Canivan and he did to
arrive at their designs. |
Solar Heated Livestock Watering Stock Tank Prototype
Gary |
is a first cut at a livestock watering tank that is insulated and solar
heated to keep the water above freezing. The usual approach around here to keeping stock tanks from freezing is to use an electric stock tank heater, which uses a lot of electricity. This approach might eliminate or greatly reduce the need to such heaters and the cost and GHG's that go with them. |
Optimal Solar Air Collector Design
Gary |
design of air collector baffles and fins may allow high efficiency solar air
heating collectors that are still simple and cheap to build. These collectors have the potential for 1 to 2 year paybacks on material costs in cold climates. |
Horizontal Pond Domestic Hot Water Heater Gary and Nick
experimental concept for a domestic solar water heating that uses a pipe coil in a
glazed pond to collect energy. The goal is to provide a full four season solar water heater with the simplicity and low cost of a batch solar heater. It is looking promising, but still some issues to resolve. Comments welcome. |
SunCache Solar Water Heating -- Davis Energy Group
A little more here:
is a soon to be commercially available, low cost, Integral Collector/Storage
solar water heater. It is said that it will cost substantially less than current solar water heaters, and will be available as a kit. The collector contains 50 gallons of water for thermal storage that remains in the collector forever. Fresh water that is to be preheated passes through a copper pipe coil inside the collector to pick up heat from the thermal store. It is somewhat similar in design to the Horizontal Pond collector above and to the "Hot Harry" collector shown further down this page. |
Double Play -- An Experimental Solar Heating and Cooling System Steve Baer and the Zomeworks site
Roof Integrated Solar
Absorbers: The Measured |
Roof Integrated Solar Absorbers Home Power magazine article, issue 102 This innovative system uses unglazed collectors that are integrated with the roof structure and a unique thermal storage system to provide solar thermal heating in the winter and radiation cooling in the summer. Amazing! The pdf report provides detailed performance measurements from the FSEC & NREL. |
Theoretical Evaluation of the NightCool Nocturnal Radiation Cooling Concept Danny S. Parker Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC) New report
on the NightCool performance in test buildings: Daily performance of the test buildings,
is a simple, building integrated, cooling scheme that uses nighttime
radiation cooling from a metal roof to cool air in the attic space.
Attic air is then circulated into the living area to provide cooling. A simulation model is used to predict performance in various climates -- the scheme works very well in dry areas, and fairly well even in very difficult moist-warm climates (e.g. Florida). One of the attractive features of this system is that the roof is very conventional -- no massive ponds or moving insulation. There is the potential in some climates to use the same metal roofing/attic system for space heating in colder weather. The new test report shows the results for two 10' by 16' structures that were built to compare NightCool performance to conventional AC in Florida. Very interesting and promising results. Tests of a a simple dehumidification system using desiccants are now underway. |
The Rotating Solar Boiler
A new idea for low cost, high temperature solar collectors. |
Simple Pool Heating
Gary |
is an idea for a simple, cheap and efficient homemade pool heating
Solar Shed for Space Heating House
This idea uses solar collectors and heat storage tank installed in a multi-purpose outbuilding to provide space heating for the nearby house. |
Evapro-radiative Cooling Thoughts
is exactly the same collector listed just above, but used for cooling
instead of heating. The idea is that at night water from a storage
tank is pumped over the collector surface to cool. The water cools by
radiation to the night sky and evaporation. The chilled water in the
storage tank would be used for space cooling the next day. And, some thoughts on practical cooling and heating applications using this scheme. Full Story ... |
Experimental Solar Collector Made from
Twinwall Panel
is an interesting idea for a collector. It uses the channels in a
Twinwall glazing sheet as flow passages for water. Slotted pipes fit
over the ends of the twinwall sheet to act as manifolds. I'm a bit skeptical of the temperature capability, leak sealing, and life of this panel, but its certainly an interesting idea. Finding a twinwall that holds up to long term exposure to hot water may be a issue -- GE says that polycarb does not. (thanks to Brent for finding this) |
The Quest for an R15 Thermal Window Shade |
thoughts on developing high R value thermal window shades. Such shades have the promise of greatly reducing window heat loss, while still being convenient to use. |
Combined Solar Collector and Window Shade
An insulating window shade that also acts as a solar collector, and that automatically transitions from one to the other depending on conditions. |
Flow Organizer | A try at the Saunders/Delaney/Pine flow organizer. |
The Integral Passive Solar Water
Heater Book, David Bainbridge
Even though the batch water heater design is an old one, I think there is a great deal of opportunity for improvement. How about an all season, $300 solar water heater with a payback of one year -- this seems reachable to me with some refinement of the designs. This book is book is a great place to get up to speed on the potential. |
is a really fine book on all aspects of designing and building a wide
variety of solar batch water heaters. The book has a great mix of how-to and engineering design information -- great for builders and experimenters. Thanks to David, the full content of the book is available here as a free download. |
Low Tech Garage/Barn Heater
(pdf) Gary
experimental idea for heating barn or workshop spaces.
Inexpensive and easy to build (honest!).
Solar Water Collector from CPVC Pipe
is a try at a very easy to build and cheap solar flat plate collector that
uses CPVC pipe, and extruded alum radiant floor heat spreaders. Mixed results. |
The Rutgers Solar Heating System
for Greenhouses Mears, Roberts, Simpkins, and Kendall Rutgers University The Rutgers Solar Heating System for Greenhouse - 1977 (0.8 MB pdf) Greenhouse Solar Heating-1981 (2.5MB pdf)
solar collector shown here was developed in the 70's as a very inexpensive
greenhouse heater. It works well for situations in which only low
temperatures are required (like greenhouses and pools). While I do not know of anyone who has tried this as a pool heater, it seems to me it might work well, and it would be very inexpensive -- perhaps $2 per square foot? The papers give information on a several greenhouse energy schemes, so you have to wade through all this to find the details on building the collector. The collectors described in the paper a quite large, but could be scaled down. Note that even though this is a very simple collector, there are details that you must get right for it to hold together -- so read all the construction notes. If you build one of these PLEASE let me know -- Gary A number of other interesting commercial greenhouse related papers at the Rutgers Horticultural Engineering Website: |
Solar Closets and Sunspaces Nick Pine and Paul Bashus
An interesting idea for coupling a low thermal mass solar collection area with a well insulated, high temperature heat storage area that is used as a "solar battery" to heat the attached house during cloudy periods. |
Grey Water Heat Exchanger In A Barrel Nick Pine (with a little help from Gary)
Canada study and test of grey water heat recovery system for a residence ( 3 MB pdf) |
An innovative version of a grey water heat exchanger that may be able to recover a large fraction of the heat that normally goes down the drain. It is inexpensive and is constructed inside a standard steel barrel. |
The Amazing Heat Scavenger Experiment ... .pdf
An interesting and simple experimental setup to show the potential (and some of the problems) of capturing heat from grey water from the shower. |
Integral Stagnation
Temperature Control For Solar Collectors (pdf) S.J. Harrison, Q. Lin, and L.C.S Mesquita Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Queen's University, Kingston, ON, Canada SESCI 2004 Conference |
A passive approach to automatically decreasing the stagnation temperature of solar collectors. An air channel behind the absorber plate is used to ventilate the collector when the temperature exceeds a set value. A valve at the top of the air channel opens automatically at a set temperature. |
A scheme to use soap bubbles as insulation on greenhouses (or other structures) to prevent night heat loss. |
Solar Bubble Build
detailed description of a building using the soap bubble insulation scheme.
An interesting site -- with some new ideas.
How to Build a Heliostat for Solar Heating and
Lighting, Rob,
Rob's heliostat -- reflects solar light and heat into a window in your
house. |
Inflatable Heliostat Download full report pdf (3.5 mb) Mithra and Gary |
experimental, low-cost heliostat design that uses air pressure to focus and
support the mirror.
Paper on PV powered irrigation system has a unique(?) combination of fixed
reflectors and 1 axis tracking to increase PV panel output Helikson, Haman, and Baird The Paper (pdf)
paper on a PV powered irrigation pumping includes an interesting scheme to
increase PV output. It has fixed reflectors on each side of the PV
panels, and a single axis tracking system to point the entire rig toward the
sun. The reflectors are said to increase panel output by 33% (not
counting the tracking benefit). Does this seem like a good idea? |
Solar Heated Home Using An Attached Greenhouse and Woodburning Stove David Mears The Paper (pdf)
1981 paper with a 2004 update describes a solar heated house with a "flooded subfloor" thermal
storage area.
Seems like an interesting concept. Test data for a real house is provided. |
Papercrete Construction
PaperCrete is a building material made from a mixture of recycled paper, sandy dirt, and a little cement. It has an R value of 2.8 per inch, good strength, and is lightweight and inexpensive. While PaperCrete has been around quite a while, it has just started to be used for home construction, so this is for adventurous experimenters. |
Roof Sprinkler Cooling System, John
sprinkler system lowers roof temperature and cooling bills by keeping the
roof cooler through water evaporation. Added a description of another similar system 3/6/07 |
Simple Engine Driven By Low Level Heat, Deluge, Inc.
DOE article: |
simple engine that uses low level heat (180F) to expand the CO2 to drive a
Interesting New Projects | |
Drake Landing -- Community
with Solar Seasonal Storage for Water and Space Heating
Brochure: |
New Alberta community uses 2300 sq meters of solar thermal collectors to collect heat in the summer for use in the winter. Heat is stored in a field of 144 boreholes, and distributed by a common heating loop serving the 52 houses. |
Vertigro Oil From Algae
looks like a pretty simple way to get sustain high growth rates and oil
production from algae? The video has the best description of the process. |
MIT's Warm
Light Wall System
interesting solar wall/window construction that was used on the MIT Solar
Decathlon entry. The wall uses a layer of aerogel insulation (which transmits light) and a glass block that is apparently filled with water to act as thermal mass. It appears to have an insulation layer on the inside as well (to control the heat transfer rate to the interior?). It may provide some combination of solar gain, light, and storage in one unit. As usual with solar decathlon projects, its hard to find any details or performance -- if you find something, please let me know. |
Road Energy System -- solar heating
from your parking lot
system from Invisible Heating Systems Ltd that embeds plastic pipe in
asphalt pavement to recover heat. No detail on what weather conditions lead to successful heat recover, but maybe they will tell us how its working out in a while. Seems like it might work well for public swimming pools with large parking lots? |
Magenn Power Air Rotor System An Helium inflated wind generator
An interesting idea for a helium inflated wind generator. |
Night Sky Roof Water Spray Cooling
system EERE report (pdf) The first link above provides the most complete design information, and
describes three different roof spray system designs. |
innovation spray-cools water on the roof at night and applies the cooled
water to reduce subsequent cooling loads. On clear nights, the sky is much
colder than outdoor air, contributing to high water cooling rates through a
combination of evaporation and sky radiation. Overnight, NightSky systems
can typically cool a large storage volume (preferably two gallons per square foot of roof surface) to a final temperature as much as 12 degrees below the minimum night air temperature." Seems like a very promising way to reduce
the energy cost of cooling. The 5600 sqft prototype described in the
first link achieved an EER of 149. |
Solar Thermal Electric Power Plant
A new solar thermal electric power generation installation in Nevada with some improvements. |
Michael has shows some interesting concepts in home/building design. Some of these have the potential for good energy efficiency -- as in the Home-Scape pictured here. |
Mobile Window Thermal Test (MoWiTT) Facility
An interesting test rig to measure the side by side performance of two test windows under actual field conditions. |
Interesting New Products | |
Solarcentury solar thermal and solar electric
roof tiles
The data sheet, brochure, and video show pretty good installation detail. |
interesting new UK product. These are standard roof tiles that are
solar collectors. There is a solar thermal version that heats water,
and a solar
PV version that generates electricity. The thermal versions appear to come in pre-plumbed horizontal runs of several tiles. (thanks to Doug for finding this) |
Advanced Thermal Solar System With Heat Storage
For Residential House Space Heating (pdf) Kazimierz Szymocha SESCI 2005 Conference
An interesting concept for a solar wall heater. The absorber has integrated heat storage in the form of Phase Change Material. The objective is to store heat during the day in the PCM, and let the PCM warm the wall that the collector is mounted on at night -- this reduces heat loss through the wall. More... |
Hot Harry Gough Industries |
This Australian design has some features in common with the Horizontal Pond scheme just above, and some new features. The case is rotationally molded PE, it incorporates two layers of glazing with a transparent honeycomb material between them for insulation. The sun heats the bath, and transfers heat to an immersed coil of copper pipe. The prices seem on the high side given what looks like a cheap manufacturing process? |
Combined PV - Air Collector as Heat Pump Air Pre-heater H. A. Zondag |
An interesting idea to use the normally wasted heat from PV panels for thermal heating. Should about triple the useful energy output from the PV panel. |
Sunflower 250 -- Concentrating PV, Energy Innovations
interesting concentrating PV design. First deliveries for early 2007. "Now standing at a little over five feet square and five feet high, the 25X Sunflower™ is able to meet our targets for both energy generation and cost. Each of the 25 1'x1' mirrors is separately aligned, and yet all are attached to and moved together by an undercarriage controlled by just two motors. The receiver is approximately the size of one mirror and contains a collection of small cells that are wired together to produce electricity. It is backed by fins that dissipate heat and keep the cells operating within 30°C of ambient temperature at all times." |
CoGeneration Units Honda Version:
Article on home CoGeneration: The Marathon Version: Infinia: An assessment of CHP from Some early testing in US: |
cogeneration systems offer the possibility of putting the waste heat
produced when generating electricity to a useful purpose (heating your
home). The end result could be some cost saving, and an about 30%
reduction in green house gas production. As seems to be usual with any new technology to reduce energy use and pollution; availability and adoption in the US is slow. |
Whisper Gen -- CoGeneration
residential cogeneration system that comes in either an on-grid AC version
or and off-grid DC version. The website provides quite a bit of detail. Not currently available in the US? |
Some Test Results This just a place to put the results from some random tests that were run to settle some burning issue. |
Effect of edge gaps on the performance
of insulating shutters and shades, William shurcliff, Thermal Shutters and shades, 1980 Details ... (pdf) |
simple tests that William Shurcliff did for his book Thermal Shutters and
Shades to determine how tight insulating shutters and shades need to fit in
order to not have excessive heat loss. Extracted from "Thermal Shutters and Shades", William Shurcliff with permission. |
EPDM Collector
Gary |
is a test I did some time back in trying to see if a collector absorber
constructed from EPDM (rubber) sheet would work for my
Solar Shed
project. While the results were not good enough to use it on the Solar Shed, they were not totally discouraging, and I think that the idea has some promise. There have been successful commercial collectors made from EPDM in the past, so there is probably some combination that works. A lower tilt angle would also help with the water spread problem. The appeal of an EPDM collector is that the cost could be south of $3 per sqft -- compared to $30 per sqft for commercial collectors. |
Transmittance of
Corrugated Glazing
Gary |
the corrugations in corrugated glazing (e.g. SunTuf glazing) reduce the
solar transmittance compared to flat glazing? Here is a little to test to find out. |
Stratification in Tall Rooms
Gary |
This little test was done to settle a "discussion" about how much the hot air tends to rise and stratify at the top of a tall room. You may be surprised by the answer. |
Flow Organizer
A try at the Saunders/Delaney/Pine flow organizer. |
Radiant Floor Heat Spreader Plates Test
DIY Press to make Heat Spreader Plates Gary |
A little test to determine how best to install heat spreader plates for radiant floors. |
Shower Temperature Drop
Gary |
sure you were dying to know how much the water cools from the shower head to
the shower drain -- here is the answer. This drop is of interest because it is heat that cannot be recovered using a grey water heat exchanger: Shower Temperature Drop A shower design that might reduce the temperature drop: |