Nick Pine describes a solar home heating concept using solar air heating collectors that is aimed at producing a very high solar fraction. In order to accomplish this, the system must include several days worth of heat storage for extended cloudy periods -- a large storage capacity. The physical size of the storage depends on the maximum temperature that the storage can be raised to -- higher temperatures store more heat in less space. But, producing higher temperatures normally means that the solar air heating collectors would operate less efficiently as the losses out the collector glazing go up with collector temperature -- thus the high storage temperatures can result in an undesirable increase in collector area. There is a potential collector design that may produce the desirable higher temperatures at good efficiency. This design uses several layers of mesh for the absorber. The advantages are said to be: 1) the pressure drop caused by the mesh spreads the airflow evenly over the full surface of the absorber, and 2) the first layer of mesh acts as a radiation shield to reduce the radiation from the hotter inner layers toward the glazing. The first layer of mesh runs cooler in part because in this heating scheme, the air introduced into the collector is relatively cool (70F) room air -- this cooler first layer of mesh thus reduces losses out the glazing. So, in an ideal design, 70 F room temperature air is introduced between the glazing and the first (north most) layer of mesh. This coolish air spreads evenly over the full mesh surface because of the mesh pressure drop. Even though the airflow rate is low (to achieve higher temperatures), the first layer of mesh runs at a low temperature because of the relatively cool 70F air, and the ability of the mesh absorbers to provide very even airflow over the full surface. As the air progresses through the layers of mesh, it heats up, and since flow rate is low, the residence time is long and the air heats up to high temperatures (say 140+F). This hot air is then passed through an air to water heat exchanger and the hot water produced goes to heating the heat storage. By using the hottest air to heat the storage, the max storage temperature can be higher and it can store more heat. The still warm air leaves the heat exchanger and is blown into the house for immediate space heating. A key element in making this scheme work is the low flow, deep mesh collector that operates efficiently while producing high temperatures. This test is a starting point in trying to see if this can be accomplished. My standard air heating collector which has just 3 layers of aluminum screen mesh is the starting point. The idea is to see how well it does in achieving the high temperatures AND high efficiency, and to identify changes that might make it do better, and possibly test those.
The collector used for the test is 4 by 8 ft. Glazing is 10mm thick twinwall polycarbonate. The absorber is three layers of black aluminum insect screen -- the layers are spaced 3/8 inch apart. The absorber is tilted such that it is furthest from the glazing at the bottom and closer to the glazing at the top. The back insulation is 2 inch polyisocyanurate painted black on the south surface. The inlet is at the center bottom of the collector -- all of the air is introduced on the glazing side of the absorber. A full width deflector keeps the inlet air from impinging direclty onto the glazing and (hopefully) spreads the air out over the full width. The exit vent is at the top center. The exit vent is on the north side of the layers of mesh, so that all of the air has to pass through all layers of mesh to get from inlet to outlet. Both vents are 6 inch diameter circles.
The top and bottom of the twinwall glazing is taped over with aluminum tape to prevent airflow through the internal channels.
The collector is much like this one... The differences being the twinwall glazing, and some changes to the airflow deflector at the inlet. Some pictures:
The collector is mounted on a stand just outside the shop main door tilted at about 70 degrees. The collector azimuth can be adjusted to face the sun during the day. The inlet and outlet ducts are brought back to the shop using 6 inch diameter HVAC flex ducts that are insulated.
A pyranometer is mounted to the collector about half way up and in the plane of the collector glazing.
Inside the shop, the a blower was setup to suck air from the collector exit vent into the shop. A speed control was used to adjust the blower speed and flow rate.
Most of the ducting is 6 inch diameter, but is stepped down to 5 inches at the fan. The fan outlet duct is also 5 inches, and that duct exit is where the air velocity is measured.
The collector pressure drop is measured between static ports in the rigid 6 inch duct sections, so the collector pressure drop includes the drop due to about 20 ft of the flex ducting.
The duct inlet and outlet temperatures are made in ducts using thermistors that are logged on Onset Computer U12 loggers. The thermistors are low mass, fast acting. They are secured near the centerline of the ducts.
Data was taken for flow rates of 4.3, 3.3, 2.1 and 1.5 cfm per sf of collector area. Several readings were taken at each flow rate at intervals of 3 to 5 minutes. The sun was generally good, but there were some high thin clouds moving in and out -- I tried to pick periods of relatively constant sun intensity for each flow rate run. Sun levels were high (up to 1200 watt/sm) due to the clear air and reflective snow in front of collector.
There was a reflective snow field in front of the collector for the test. |
The sun was generally good, but occasional high thin clouds did come in. |
The spreadsheet below gives the measured data and the calculated flow rate, heat out, solar in, and efficiency for all of the runs.
Initial test of the low flow, high temperature, dense mesh solar air heating collector. | |||||||||||||
1/16/2012 | Outlet Area | 0.136 | sf | ||||||||||
This is the 4 by 8 ft collector, 3 alum screen absorber, black back wall, glazed with twin wall | avg density | 0.061 | lb/cf | ||||||||||
Weather was sunny, cold, fresh snow on ground in front of collector -- some parts with wn | Col Area | 32 | sf | ||||||||||
Heat Cap air | 0.24 | BTU/lb-F | |||||||||||
F | F | F | F | ft/min | watt/sm | ft/min | cfm | cfm/sf | F | BTU/hr | BTU/hr | ||
Time | Tambient | Tin | Tout | Tglaz | Velocity | Sun | Vin | Total flow | Flow/sf | Temp Rise | Solar In | Heat Out | "Efic" |
12:37 PM | start test -- logger btn press -- maximum flow rate | ||||||||||||
12:37 PM | 16 | 55.9 | 97.1 | 72 | 1003 | 1159 | 894 | 136.4 | 4.3 | 41.2 | 11761 | 4937 | 42.0% |
12:41 PM | 16 | 55.8 | 96.7 | 72.7 | 982 | 1158 | 945 | 133.6 | 4.2 | 40.9 | 11750 | 4798 | 40.8% |
12:45 PM | 16 | 56.4 | 96.5 | 70.9 | 1040 | 1154 | 922 | 141.4 | 4.4 | 40.1 | 11710 | 4982 | 42.5% |
12:47 PM | Reduce flow rate --logger btn press abouit 3.2 cfm/sf | ||||||||||||
12:49 PM | 16.5 | 55.7 | 108.5 | 72.1 | 780 | 1152 | 660 | 106.1 | 3.3 | 52.8 | 11690 | 4920 | 42.1% |
12:52 PM | 16.5 | 55.2 | 109.5 | 72.7 | 765 | 1151 | 673 | 104.0 | 3.3 | 54.3 | 11679 | 4962 | 42.5% |
12:55 PM | 16.5 | 55.8 | 110.1 | 71.5 | 775 | 1160 | 665 | 105.4 | 3.3 | 54.3 | 11771 | 5027 | 42.7% |
1:00 PM | 16.5 | 55.7 | 113.2 | 73.3 | 796 | 1196 | 670 | 108.3 | 3.4 | 57.5 | 12136 | 5468 | 45.1% |
1:03 PM | 16.5 | 65.4 | 114.2 | 75.2 | 748 | 1204 | 660 | 101.7 | 3.2 | 48.8 | 12217 | 4361 | 35.7% |
1:04 PM | Reduce flow rate-- logger btn press about 2.1 cfm/sf | ||||||||||||
1:06 PM | 16 | 55.7 | 124.8 | 75.8 | 495 | 1130 | 67.3 | 2.1 | 69.1 | 11466 | 4086 | 35.6% | |
1:09 PM | 16 | 55.5 | 127 | 78.2 | 495 | 1105 | 67.3 | 2.1 | 71.5 | 11213 | 4228 | 37.7% | |
1:11 PM | 16 | 55.5 | 128.3 | 80.6 | 525 | 1186 | 71.4 | 2.2 | 72.8 | 12035 | 4566 | 37.9% | |
1:13 PM | 16.5 | 55.6 | 130 | 80.6 | 526 | 1182 | 71.5 | 2.2 | 74.4 | 11994 | 4675 | 39.0% | |
1:15 PM | IR pics 668 - 686 | ||||||||||||
1:19 PM | 16.5 | 55.6 | 130.4 | 510 | 1190 | 69.4 | 2.2 | 74.8 | 12075 | 4557 | 37.7% | ||
1:20 PM | Reduce flow rate -- logger btn press about 1.5 crm/sf | ||||||||||||
1:23 PM | 17 | 56.5 | 134.1 | 85.6 | 350 | 1185 | 47.6 | 1.5 | 77.6 | 12024 | 3245 | 27.0% | |
1:26 PM | 17 | 56.5 | 139.3 | 90.8 | 345 | 1190 | 46.9 | 1.5 | 82.8 | 12075 | 3413 | 28.3% | |
1:28 PM | 17 | 56.6 | 142 | 92 | 345 | 1200 | 46.9 | 1.5 | 85.4 | 12177 | 3520 | 28.9% | |
1:30 PM | 17 | 56.8 | 143.6 | 93.8 | 350 | 1233 | 47.6 | 1.5 | 86.8 | 12512 | 3629 | 29.0% | |
1:34 PM | IR pics 687 - 693 | ||||||||||||
2:19 PM | 22 | 55.6 | 112.1 | 71 | 338 | 823 | 46.0 | 1.4 | 56.5 | 8351 | 2281 | 27.3% | |
2:20 PM | btn push -- IR pics 694-704 |
Tambient - ambient temperature measured 50 ft away.
Tin -- collector inlet temperature -- this was air drawn from the shop.
Tout -- collector outlet temperature
Tglaz -- Glazing outside surface temperature measured with a surface moutn thermocouple (see notes below on this)
Velocity -- velocity in ft/min measured at the end of the 5 inch fan outlet duct.
Sun -- Solar intensity in the plane of the collector watts/sm
Total flow -- Total outlet flow in cfm = (Veocity)*(Duct Area)
Flow/sf -- the flow rate per sqft of collector = (Total flow/32)
Temp Rise -- Temperature rise for the collector = Tout - Tin
Solar In -- Solar power into the collector = (Sun intensity)*(Collector area)
Heat Out -- heat power out of the collector = (Flow rate)*(Air density)*(Tout - Tin)*(60 min/hr)*(Heat Capacity of Air)
"Efic" -- Approximate efficiency = (Heat Out)/(Solar In) %
An air density of 0.061 lbs/cf was used -- this is corrected for our 5000 ft altitude and the average temperature of the collector air. This calculator was used...
One objective was to achieve large temperature rises and high output temperatures. At the lower flow rates, I'd say the collector does pretty well with output temps in the 140 F area -- these would have been more like 150 F had it not been for the relatively cool shop air that was used for collector input.
But, as the next section shows, the high output temps come as some expense in heat output and efficiency.
The plots show the collector heat output vs the collector temperature rise achieved, and the collector "Efficiency" vs the collector flow rate.
For the collector as is is now, there is a significant drop in efficiency and heat output to get the higher collector output temperatures. The heat output drops from about 5000 BTU/hr down to about 3500 BTU/hr -- a hit of about 30%. Maybe we can do better? How?
The IR pictures below show temperatures on the outer surface of the glazing for the tested airflows.
Cooler glazing temperatures would indicate that collector heated air is not working its way out to the glazing and warming it, and/or that the glazing was seeing less radiation heating from the absorber screens.
Flow Rate 3.3 cfm/sf |
Flow Rate 2.1 cfm/sf |
Flow Rate 1.5 cfm/sf |
Flow Rate 3.3 cfm/sf
Flow Rate 2.1 cfm/sf
Flow Rate 1.5 cfm/sf
This shows the logger report for the temperatures and solar intensity.
Note that the ambient temperature sensor was poorly located and is reading too high. I used the manually read temperatures from a thermometer mounted on the north wall of the barn about 50 ft away instead. Note that at one point around 2:10 pm the solar readings exceed the pyranometers maximum of 1250 watts/sm and are truncated for a few minutes.
I was looking for a way to validate the temperatures of the glazing that the IR camera shows. Part of the reason for this is that I am having trouble finding a good value to use for the emissivity of the twinwall polycarbonate to plug into the camera. So, I 1) attached a surface mount thermocouple to the outside of the twinwall to measure the "actual" surface temperature, and 2) applied a roughly 1.5 by 1.5 inch piece of blue painters tape a few inches below the thermocouple -- this is the often used technique of placing a patch of something with know emissivity over an unknown emissivity surface, and then measure the temperature on the known patch.
So, for the painters tape, one might expect that the tape would reach the same temperature as the glazing, and if the glazing and tape had the same emissivity, they would show the same color on the IR pictures. Or, if one believed that the tape emissivity was about 0.95, one could read the tape temperature with the camera set at 0.95, then change the emissivity setting until the surrounding twinwall showed the same temperature.
Well, on the picture taken with the camera emissivity set to 0.95, the twinwall temp shows 54.4F and the painters tape 72.4F. There is no way to adjust the emissivity enough to get the twinwall up to 72.4 F or anywhere close. I am inclined to believe that the tape is actually running hotter because it is heating up from absorbed sunlight. It looks like its actually running nearly 20F hotter than the glazing. Does this seem reasonable?
IR picture showing painters tape (bright spot at 72.4F) on the twinwall
glazing with emissivity set to 0.95.
(he bar across the picture just above the tape is the glazing support just
inside the glazing).
Looking at the surface mounted thermocouple, there are three values that can be compared (see picture below):
- the thermocouple reading 81F (from the logger plot)
- the IR camera temperature reading on the thermocouple 80F
- the IR camera temperature reading on the twinwall near the thermocouple 54.4F
So, the IR camera and the actual thermocouple reading agree well, but the twinwall glazing surface temperature is reported to be about 25 F lower. Again, there is no way to adjust the emissivity setting to get the twinwall temperature up more than about 1F. So, I am inclined to believe that all three temperatures above are correct (or close) and that the twinwall is really quite a bit cooler than the thermocouple because the thermocouple is opaque and absorbing more solar radiation than the twinwall. Any thoughts on this?
I'll probably try this again when the sun is not shining on the collector and see if the readings get closer together.
IR picture of thermocouple (the bright spot with the wire leading to it), and the surrounding twinwall.
January 18, 2012