Title ..

Blalh -- blah



Much worst than below because there are 2 or 3 reflector positions for each lat/tilt combination  -- two or 3 times worse. 

The full matrix:

45 latitude -- 45 tilt        (this is 5 pictures for each season -- 15 pics total)

summer solstice
winter solstice

45 latitude -- vertical        (this is 5 pictures for each season -- 15 pics total)

summer solstice
winter solstice

45 latitude -- horizontal        (this is 5 pictures for each season -- 15 pics total)

summer solstice
winter solstice


35 latitude -- 45 tilt        (this is 5 pictures for each season -- 15 pics total)

summer solstice
winter solstice

35 latitude -- vertical        (this is 5 pictures for each season -- 15 pics total)

summer solstice
winter solstice

35 latitude -- horizontal        (this is 5 pictures for each season -- 15 pics total)

summer solstice
winter solstice


So, this totals 6 pages with 90 picturs, and 6*90 = 540 measurements


Is there some simpler way to

Try a video

Problem with video is that there is nothing quantitative -- its good for understanding the pattern, but gives no real performance.

Could add video just for explaining whats going on.


But, having the whole data matrix with actual values does make it easier to decide what kind of reflector to put on and how effective it will be.



- do the 12 noon, and 1:30, 10:30am postions only with measurments -- do 40 degrees lat only

- do a video for each




45 lat

45 tilt collector  -- 225 readings

Side reflector   -- 75 readings

summer sol -- 3 or 5 pictures, 5 readings per picture
winter sol, -- 3 or 5 pictures, 5 readings per picture
equinox  -- 3 or 5 pictures, 5 readings per picture

Top Reflector  -- 75 readings

summer sol, winter sol, equinox  --

Bottom Reflector  -- 75 readings

summer sol, winter sol, equinox

Vertical tilt collector

Side reflector

summer sol, winter sol, equinox

Top Reflector

summer sol, winter sol, equinox  --

Bottom Reflector

summer sol, winter sol, equinox

horz tilt collector

Side reflector

summer sol, winter sol, equinox

Top Reflector

summer sol, winter sol, equinox  --

Bottom Reflector

summer sol, winter sol, equinox


10 am 11am      
Reflector Gain             
Collector-- reflector
Collector w/o reflector
Reflected pattern area
Reflected light misses collector.  Light is reflected in front of collector. Some of reflected light missing collector. Reflector set to just cover full collector   None of reflected light hits collector -- reflector is in line with the sun.

Reflector Gain 
Collector-- reflector
Collector w/o reflector
Reflected pattern area



pictures don't give a really clear picture of



Don't do the thumbnails -- just use one small pic that is taken not to require crop (might be able to batch resize all)

Show less data -- Most important: Reflector gain, Pattern area