Follow these steps to insure a successful solar project:
Why Solar? The
reasons that DIY solar projects make sense.
Solar Site Survey
To make sure you get enough sun at the right times of the day and the year to
make your project work -- don't skip this.

Solar Projects To
see what kind of projects are available and pick one that fits.
Go build it!
Step 0.5 should really be to work on conservation and
efficiency. These will usually pay better than solar projects, and will
also make your solar heat or electricity go much further. Some places to
start on conservation and efficiency:
The Conservation page
The "Half"
program ...
Its also very important to
conserve water...
Note -- if you are trying to determine if you have a good site for a wind
generator look here.
And, if you have a running water resource, and want to evaluate its potential
for electricity generation, look here.
Report Broken Links ...
Gary updated May 16, 2008 |